Patients with a Central Venous Catheter or on Mechanical Ventilation

Public Reporting of Patient Safety Indicators is a Ministry of Health and Long term Care (MOHLTC) Program for measuring a variety of items that contribute to safe patient care. Monitoring for infection is one of those things that we do in our hospital.


Research has shown:

  • 90% of catheter-related bloodstream infections occur with central venous catheters
  • These infections can prolong hospitalization.
  • Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia is a serious lung infection that can occur in patients who need to be on a Mechanical Ventilator.
  • There are preventive interventions known to impact infection rates in both these situations.


For these ICU patients the MOHLTC requires acute care hospitals to report the rates of infections with Central Venous Lines and with those patients who develop pneumonia when on a Ventilator for a period of greater than 48 hours.


Both Central Line Infection Rate and Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia Rate have been 0 from Q1 2009 until Q3 2015. Data more recent than this can be found below.


PRH Quarterly Rates (April/May/June 2018)
Central Line Infection Rate Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia Rate
0 0

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