
In order to ensure that every patient, family member and visitor feels welcome at Pembroke Regional Hospital, we are committed to meeting accessibility needs for people with disabilities in a timely manner. Our goal is to provide everyone who walks through our door with barrier-free access to our facilities, policies, programs, practices and services.


PRH is committed to creating a barrier-free environment for people with disabilities. Our goal is to prevent, identify and remove barriers that may challenge an individual’s ability to receive care, access our programs, or work here in accordance with the Customer Services Standards established in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005).


The Hospital’s accessibility plan is posted on our website. On request, the plan can be made available in alternative formats, such as CD in electronic text, or in large print.


To comply with the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, Ontario Regulation 429/09, training has been provided to employees on how to provide service to patients with various disabilities.


French Language Services / Translation Services:

French language services are available throughout the hospital upon request and translation services for other languages are also available. Please speak with any member of your health care team if you require services in French or another language.


TTY (teletypewriter) phone service for the deaf, deafened and hard of hearing:

An amplified phone and a hands-free phone are available for our patients who need one. Please speak with a member of your health care team if you require one of these phones.


Service animals and pet visitation:

PRH recognizes the value and therapeutic benefit of pet visitation and service animals. Please review our policy and speak with any of your health care team members and they will be happy to assist you with the details for arranging this.  


Accessibility Plan:  

As required by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA), Pembroke Regional Hospital prepares annually a plan to identify and remove barriers and improve opportunities for people with disabilities. People with disabilities are involved in the process from the identification to the removal and prevention of barriers within Pembroke Regional Hospital.


Pembroke Regional Hospital also ensures that its feedback processes are accessible to individual needs and that our hospital is able to accommodate communication supports when requested.  


The Hospital's multi-year accessibility plan can be found here.


Our 2023 Accessibility Compliance Report can be found here.


On request, the plans can be made available in alternative formats, such as CD in electronic text, or in large print.


For additional copies, or a copy in an alternative format contact:

Public Affairs and Communications Coordinator

Pembroke Regional Hospital

705 Mackay Street

Pembroke, ON K8A1G8

T: (613) 732-3675, extension 6165



If you have a concern about the way that we provide services to persons with disabilities, please call (613) 732-2811, extension 6172 or email accessibility@prh.email.


Accessibility Feedback :

The link below will connect you with a form that we have created in order to collect feedback regarding your experience at Pembroke Regional Hospital as it relates to Accessibility.


We are exploring five (5) categories:

  • Attitudinal Barriers - Attitudinal barriers are often based on stereotypes or assumptions that limit opportunities or offend the dignity of people with disabilities.
  • Architectural and Physical Barriers - Physical barriers prevent people from accessing PRH services.
  • Informational and Communications Barriers - These are barriers that prevent people from understanding or accessing information. (E.g., signage)
  • Technology Barriers -These often relate to information and communication. (e.g., website)
  • Systemic Barriers - Systemic barriers are usually created by policies and procedures. Often, a policy is applied to everyone equally but has a negative impact on individuals or groups of persons with disabilities.


 Accessibility Feedback Form  


Accessibility Policies: 


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