Health and Wellness Video: PRH Staff Stretching Exercises
Health and Wellness Video: Mindfulness Exercise #2 Kate Mooney
Health and Wellness Video: Mindfulness Exercise #1 Kate Mooney
Health and Wellness Video: Meditation June 24, 2020 Kate Mooney
PRH Celebration: A tribute video for our Clinical and Allied Health Staff
Health and Wellness Video: Fun with Photography June 17, 2020 Garry Engler
PRH Celebration: A tribute video for our Support Staff
Health and Wellness: Mindfulness June 10, 2020 Kate Mooney
PRH Says Thank You To Local Businesses And Individuals Who Have Donated Meals And Treats May 29, 2020
Health and Wellness: Coping With Anxiety May 27, 2020 Brittony Osler
Health and Wellness: Motivation and Recreation During Quarantine May 21, 2020 Susan Gagnon-Michaud
Health and Wellness: Dealing With Addiction During COVID-19 May 19, 2020 Laurie Alton
National Nursing Week 2020: A tribute video for our PRH nurses
Health and Wellness: Mind Over Mood May 14, 2020 Corinna Schannon
Health and Wellness: Sleep Hygiene May 12, 2020 Victoria Twolan
Good Job: Pembroke Regional Hospital - a pictorial tribute May 11, 2020
Health and Wellness: Ergonomics when working from home May 7, 2020 Victoria Twolan and Marianne Bourgeois
Health and Wellness: The ABC Please Skills of Self-Care May 5, 2020 Sydney Sheppard
National Doctor's Day 2020: A tribute video for our PRH physicians
Health and Wellness: An Overview of Mental Health Services of Renfrew County and How To Access Them April 30, 2020 Lani Graham
Health and Wellness: Tips for Organizing Your Home April 28, 2020 Lisa Schuler
Pembroke Regional Hospital COVID-19 Early Images